Michael Frerking
928-710-2413 info@michaelfrerking.com








 Winter view of the east side of a Poured Earth home in Prescott, AZ

Year around energy savings
  • The beauty of these Poured Earth walls is equally matched with their function. Because the walls are thick (up to 20"), they act as heat and cool storage throughout the year. This is the power of HIGH MASS CONSTRUCTION which uses the thickness and density of poured earth to heat and cool your home. During the winter, the light of the sun is reflected on the walls allowing the energy and warmth of the sun to be absorbed and "stored" until the nighttime when it is radiated back out into the house as heat. In the summer, the process is reversed. At night, the house is ventilated with cool air which cools down the walls. During the day, these walls act as an "air conditioner" as the cool of the walls reduces the heat of the day.

Please contact LIVING SYSTEMS about your project by calling
928-710-2413 or by email: info@michaelfrerking.com.